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Piercing Training Course and Certification Program in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada








Learn, Enjoy and Achieve a Life Changing Qualification in  Body Piercing. We provide Superior, in-depth Piercing Courses that achieve a Certificated Qualification allowing you to Progress Successfully into the World of Body Modification.





Basic Piercing Certificate:

Introduction to piercing with a needle. Learn history, theory, and technique of piercing. Discover the basics of body piercing and supplement your aesthetics business! Learn 6 of the most popular piercings in the business. Students will leave confident in their piercing, troubleshooting, and aftercare skills.


This program is perfect for a beginner with no prior knowledge of piercing. Students will cover the basics of piercing including sanitation, sterilization, technique, theory, and much more! Learn from 3x certified trainer. You will leave with a certificate of completion of 12 hours of instruction of basic body piercing. 


The course curriculum covers​

  • Theory

  • Room and piercing preparation

  • Variety of Piercing

  • Troubleshooting

  • Professionalism & Business

  • Hygiene, Cross Contamination & Prevention

  • Licenses, Laws & Insurances

  • Consent forms & Aftercare

  • Piercing Types/Jewelry & Safe Metals 

  • Piercing area and studio cleaning

  • Aftercare – Problems & Remedies

  • Marking Up Piercing Positions

  • Price Lists  

  • Medical Waste Disposal advice

  • Recommended Reading

  • Literature


Areas Covered 
Ear Lobe, Helix, Conch, Auricle, Flat, & Nose


Kit Included with Course.


Prerequisites: Bloodborne pathogens course, first aid & CPR course. 




Intermediate Piercing Certificate:

Introduction to piercing with needles supplemented with tools. Refresh your knowledge on piercing basics and learn new skills to apply. Discover new techniques in piercing, adapt to up and coming piercing trends, and expand your knowledge!

This program is perfect for someone who has previously taken the basic piercing course. Students will learn 20+ piercings through the entire face and body. Learn from 3x certified trainer. You will leave with a certificate of completion in 30 hours of instruction of intermediate body piercings. 


The course curriculum covers

  • Health and Safety & Legalities

  • Health board requirements

  • Theory

  • Room and piercing preparation

  • Variety of Piercing

  • Troubleshooting

  • Aftercare

  • Professionalism & Business

  • Sterilization – Ultrasonic and Autoclave

  • Handling of Tools/Needles/Jewelry & Sizing

  • Literature

  • Recommended DVDs


Areas Covered: 
Bridge, Septum, Forward Helix, Tragus, Anti Tragus, Industrial, Rook, Daith, Snug, Eyebrow, Labret, Medusa, Monroe, Tongue, Anti-Eyebrow, Vertical Labret, Navel, Ashley, Web, Smiley, Frowny, VCH, & Christina.



Prerequisites: Basic Piercing Course & Bloodborne pathogens course, first aid & CPR course. 




Advanced Piercing Certificate:

Introduction to piercing with advanced tools & techniques. Refresh your knowledge on intermediate piercing and learn new skills to apply. Improve your skills beyond the foundations of piercing and towards mastery of your trade.  

This program is perfect for someone who has completed the basic & intermediate body piercing courses. Students will learn advanced piercing techniques and practices. Learn from 3x certified trainer. You will leave with a certificate of completion in 12 hours of instruction of advanced piercing training.  


The course curriculum covers

  • Insertion of internally threaded jewelry

  • Use of tapers

  • Dermal anchor insertion

  • Use of dermal punch

  • Application of topical lubricants

  • Use of green soap & iodine

  • Health & Safety

  • Reference Literature

  • Tools and Explanation

  • Aftercare/Advice

  • Problems/Remedies

  • Changing piercings

  • CBR’s



Prerequisites: Basic & Advanced Piercing Courses, & Bloodborne pathogens course, first aid & CPR course




Online Theory Certification COMING SOON


Perfect for the piercing enthusiast. Receive access to literature, photos, and videos with an online learning platform. This program is perfect for a beginner with no prior knowledge of piercing. Students will cover the basics of piercing including sanitation, sterilization, technique, theory, and much more! Learn from 3x certified trainer. You will leave with a certificate of completion of Piercing Theory. Students from this class should seek apprenticeship or shadowing from a professional in their area after completion of the theory course. It is not recommended to begin piercing without practical training with an in person instructor. 


This class is online only, and does not include a kit. 




A La Carte Training


Need a refresh on something specific? A private seminar may be right for you. 


This program is perfect for someone who has previous piercing experience. Students will learn specialized piercing techniques and practices broken down into specific body parts. Learn from 3x certified trainer.  2-4 hour course seminar. Honourary Certificate provided.


Pre requisites: 100 successful completed piercings & Bloodborne pathogens course, first aid & CPR course


Includes specialized kit with each seminar. 



Why Piercing?

Piercing has existed culturally for thousands of years, however in modern times, piercing has become more of a fashion trend. Piercing culture has evolved even in the last several decades. Initially beginning as an alternative culture staple, piercing is now a mainstream essential.

Piercers in regina

About the Educator

In 2015, Jasmine  took her first piercing course online, then in 2018 she took a piercing course at Tattoo and Piercing School of Canada in Toronto and opened her first store, Bellezza Moda in Regina. In 2019 she opened another location in Saskatoon, and a second location in Regina in 2021. This summer Jasmine went to Louisiana and attended her 3rd piercing course at Worlds Only Tattoo School.

Jasmine employs around 20 people in both of her stores. Lash services are also available at both stores. She also likes to invite local artists to display and sell their wares in both her stores which is appreciated by the customers and the artists. 

She previously has educated at a popular beauty school in Regina & for a beauty franchise in Eastern Canada.

She is a mentor for young entrepreneurs and promotes shop local and her community. Jasmine celebrates 9 years in business in 2023!

Where to get pierced regina
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